
01 PLUS: Accuphase T-109V - Very natural sound, good bass. Pinpoint imaging. Lifelike, three-dimensional sound, smooth extended highs.
01: Kenwood L-02T - Most natural sound, good bass. Pinpoint imaging. Lifelike, three-dimensional sound.
01 建伍的L-02T,最最真實自然的聲音,低頻勁,結像非常精確,逼真的三維聲場。
02: Sansui TU-919 - The prince who could be king.
02 山水的TU-919,最有希望成為帝王的王子。
03: Sansui TU-X1 - Very good sound top to bottom. Big soundstage, three-dimensional. Very slight diffuse sound.
03 山水的TU-X1,全頻段的聲音表現都很好,非常寬的三維聲場,但是有輕微的漫射聲。
04: Audiolab 8000T - Good bass, natural but diffuse sound, sweet extended highs.
04 AUDIOLAB的8000T,低音勁且自然,但是有些漫射聲,高頻延伸得很甜。
05: Philips AH6731 - A very natural, neutral sound. Stereo separation best with a good signal.
05 飛利浦的AH6731 非常非常自然得聲音,在較好的接受信號時身歷聲的分離度無與倫比。
06: Revox B760 - Great bass, lifelike midrange and extended highs.
06 Revox B760,低音很棒,逼真的三維空間,高頻延伸很好。
07: Kenwood KT-5020 - Great bass and midrange and extended, sweet treble. Again, why pay more?
07 建伍的KT5020,巨好的低頻和中頻延伸,高音甜。超值?
08: Kenwood KT-990D - Smooth, clean sound that always pleased. Why pay more?
08 建伍的KT-990D,順滑、乾淨的聲音,讓人聽上去非常愉悅。超值?
09: Meridian Model 104 - Excellent, natural sound, good bass, no to DX games.
09 Meridian Model 104,非常優秀自然的聲音,低頻表現好,但不適合玩遠端。
10: Meridian Model 504 - Good bass, excellent midrange with smooth, just-right highs.
10 Meridian Model 504,低音表現出色,中頻表現非常出色,而且更為順滑。
11: Kenwood L-1000T - Good bass, punchy midrange, sweet extended highs.
11 建伍的L-1000T,低音勁,中頻突出,高頻延伸得很甜。
12: Sansui TU-X701 - Great-sounding midrange, bass OK, softer highs next to the L-02T.
12 山水的TU-X701,中頻非常通透,低音也很好,高音甚至比L-02T更軟更甜。
13: Luxman T-117 - Very good-sounding tuner. No real faults, top to bottom. Not as three-dimensional as the L-02T and gives up some bass richness.
13 力士的T-117,非常好聲的收音頭,從高頻到低頻幾乎沒有缺憾,三維聲場不如建伍的L-02T,而且也放棄了一些低頻的濃郁度。
14: Sansui TU-717 - Good bass and midrange with nice "depth" to the soundstage. More forward than the L-02T.
14 山水的TU-717,低頻勁,中頻飽滿而富有漂亮的“深度”,可以表現較好的聲場,其風格更加傾向于建伍的L-02T。
15: B&K TS-108 - Very nice midrange, good bass and nice, extended highs.
15 B&K TS-108,非常華麗的中頻,低音勁,高音延伸好。
16: Technics ST-9038 - Very good bass, nice midrange, smooth treble.
16 松下的ST-9038,低頻勁暴,中頻準確,高頻甜滑。
17: Magnum Dynalab MD-108 - Bass OK, very good imaging and realistic midrange, extended but forward highs.
17 密林的MD108,低音好,非常好的結像度,真實的中頻,高音延伸好但是就是有點前沖。
18: Kenwood KT-917 - Good bass, midrange and treble. A very pleasant sound but more one-dimensional when placed next to the L-02T.
18 建伍的KT-917,高中低頻表現都很好,聽感讓人愉悅,但是和L02T比較三維就不突出了,好像變成了單維。
19: Sansui TU-S9 - Smooth, natural sound. A budget bargain.
19 山水的TU-S9,甜滑自然的聲音,而且價廉。
20: Kenwood KT-1100 - Quite tuneful, but flatter soundstage than the L-02T.
20 建伍的KT-1100,音調十分的諧美,但是和L-02T比聲場方面就顯得有些扁平了。
21: McIntosh MR 80 - Good bass, lively midrange and pleasant highs. More one-dimensional than the L-02T.
21 麥景圖的MR80,低音好,中音活潑,高音讓人愉悅,和建伍的L-02T比,三維感就比較單一了。
22: Sanyo Plus T35 - Good bass, laidback midrange and extended, pleasant highs.
22 三洋的T35,低音好,中音有些散,高音讓人愉悅。
23: Technics ST-G7 - Very nice bass, articulate midrange, forward but nice upper range.
23 松下的ST-G7,低音非常好,中頻清晰,有點前沖,但是高音華麗。
24: Pioneer F-99X - Follows behind the big bass dogs but the midrange and treble are where it's at. Sweet, clean, quiet and to be copied.
24 先鋒的F-99X, 跟隨著大低音狗(不解??)但是中高音還是甜美乾淨安靜。
25: Kenwood KT-3300D - Very good bass, slightly diffuse light mids and pleasant extended highs. A laidback, nice listen.
25 建伍的KT3300D,低音好,中音有些輕微的漫射聲,高音延伸得很好,讓人愉悅,鬆散得聲音聽感很好。
26: Pioneer F-90 - Great sonics with a slightly lighter sonic presentation than the top dogs. Upper midrange and treble are top-notch.
27: Sansui TU-D99X - Good bass. Bass, midrange and treble work well together for a balanced sound.
27 山水的TU-D99X,高中低表現的很好,非常平衡的一台機器。
28: Sony ST-J88B - Good bass, pleasing midrange, slightly forward and sweet treble.
28 索尼的ST-J88B 低音好,中頻很討人喜歡,高音甜但是前沖。
29: Restek Metric - Excellent imaging, bass and highs. Midrange gave up some to other tuners.
29 Restek Metric   優秀的結像和高低頻。相對於其他的收音頭中頻有些損失。
30: Perreaux TU-3 - Nice balanced sound. Gives up some richness and dynamics to the L-02T.
30 Perreaux TU-3 平衡度很好,相對于建伍的L-02T損失了一些細節和動態。
31: Magnum Dynalab FT-101 - Good all-around sound, treble very slightly forward.
31 密林的FT-101 全頻表現很好,高音有些前沖。
32: Kenwood L-07TII - Good all-around sound but loses some inner detail.
32 建伍的L-07T II,全頻表現很好,但是缺乏一些內在細節。
33: Accuphase T-109 - Great bass, dry midrange, pleasant but slightly forward treble.
33 金嗓子的T-109 低音好,中頻有些幹,高音很討人喜歡但是有些前沖。
34: Magnum Dynalab FT-101A Etude - A good, balanced sound, but slightly dry.
34 密林的FT101A練習曲,很平衡的聲音,略微有些幹。
35: Technics ST-8077 - Good bass, midrange OK. Nice treble presentation.
35 松下的ST-8077,低頻好,中頻也不錯,高音很華麗。
36: Technics ST-8080 - Good bass, good midrange, forward highs but not unpleasant.
36 松下的ST-8080,中、低音都很好,高頻有些前沖但也不討人嫌。
37: Nikko Gamma V - Very good bass, good imaging, treble forward but not unpleasant.
37 日光伽馬V(沒聽過這牌子),低音很好,很好的結像度,高頻前傾但不討人嫌。
38: Kenwood KT-8300 - Good bass and dynamics, with a slightly forward upper midrange and treble.
38 建伍的KT8300,低音好且富有動態,中頻上限和高頻略微有些前沖。
39: Onkyo T-4500 - Slightly lighter but a pleasing sound. Neutral, top to bottom, with nice highs.
39 安橋的T-4500 有些亮但還是讓人愉悅的聲音,從頭到尾都很自然,高音甜美。
40: Onkyo T-9090II - Pleasant sound, good bass, but not as dynamic as some tuners. Great DX machine.
40 安橋的T-9090 II 令人愉悅的聲音,低頻好,但是動態不如其他一些收音頭,但是遠端接收是大大的好!!
41: NAD 4155 - Good, punchy bass. Light, articulate mids with well-mated highs.
41 NAD 4155 強有力的低頻,亮而清晰的中頻和高頻相得益彰。
42: Pioneer F-91 - Very good bass punch and control, articulate midrange with forward highs. May be a good tuner for a large room.
42 先鋒的F-91 強有力的低頻而且控制力好,清晰的中頻,高音前傾,但對大房間來說可能是台不錯的收音頭哦!
43: Pioneer TX-9800 - Rich bass presentation. Good midrange with a treble slightly forward that took away from the total picture.
43 先鋒的TX-9800,豐富的低頻,漂亮的中頻,高音有些前沖好像從整幅畫面中突出來一樣。
44: Tandberg 3011A - Good bass, midrange a little light, sweet treble.
Very good imaging.
44 TANDBERG 3011A ,低頻好,中頻有些亮,高音甜,成像很好。
45: Sansui TU-417 - A most pleasant sound, bottom to top. Needs good signals.
45 山水的TU-417 徹頭徹尾是最令人愉悅的聲音,前提必須要好的信號。
46: Carver TX-11b - Punchy bass, clean highs and treble.
46 卡佛(沒聽過)TX-11B,強勁的低音,乾淨的高音。
47: Sumo Charlie - Punchy bass, good midrange, slightly rolled-off treble.
47Sumo Charlie 強勁的低音,很好的中頻,高頻略微有些收斂。
48: Revox B260 - Rich bass and lower midrange. Good imaging. Three-
dimensional. The highs are a little too much for my personal taste. The high rating reflects its other positive sound qualities.
48 Revox B260 豐富的低音,中頻有些衰減,很好的結像度,三維突出,高音有些太討好我個人的口味了,高級別的反應了它正確的聲音品質。
49: Yamaha CT-7000 - Warm-sounding bass, pleasant midrange and highs.
Highs a little rolled-off.
49 雅馬哈的CT-7000 溫暖的低頻,令人愉悅的中高頻,高頻有些收斂。
50: Sequerra Model 1 - Harmonically rich bass and lower midrange. Very seductive, but if you want accuracy, shop elsewhere.
50 Sequerra Model 1 和諧而豐富的低頻,較低的中頻,非常誘人,如果你想要更好的精確度,你還是另謀好機吧。
51: Magnum Dynalab FT-11 "NEW" - Good sound, natural midrange, treble nice, loose bass.
51 密林的FT-11新版,好聲機,自然的中頻,華麗的高頻,鬆散慵懶的低頻。
52: Onkyo T-4310R - Pleasant, inoffensive sound, good imaging. Good digital DXing tuner.
52 安橋的T-4310R   愉悅而不討人嫌的聲音表現,結像度好,非常好的數調遠端接受機。
53. Magnum Dynalab FT-101A - Pleasant light, airy sound. Lacks bass dynamics.
53 密林的FT-101A 輕快愉悅而富有空氣感的聲音,缺乏低頻動態。
54: Realistic TM-1001 - Sweet treble, pleasant mids, but the bass is not as full and dynamic as the big dogs.
54 Realistic TM-1001 甜美的高音,令人愉快的中頻,但是低音和大狗們(比較燒包的機器)比缺乏全面和動態。
55: Yamaha T-2 - Very pleasant and listenable. This may be the cutoff tuner between the keepers and the also-rans.
55 雅馬哈的T-2,非常令人愉悅和具有可聽性,
56: Revox B261 - Punchy bass, pleasant enough but slightly forward mids and highs.
56 Revox B261 強勁的低音,非常令人愉悅的但是微微向前傾的中高音。
57: Pioneer TX-9500II - Clean, articulate sound. Lighter sonic presentation
against the L-02T.
57 先鋒的TX-9500Ⅱ 乾淨而清爽的聲音表現,相對于建伍的L-02T聲音表現較亮。
58: SAE Mark VI - Inoffensive sound, good background music. A mini-Sequerra.
58 SAE Mark VI(沒聽過)不討人嫌的聲音,較好背景音樂表現。
59: Denon TU-850 - Good sound, midrange just right, treble sweet, slightly bass-shy.
59 天龍的TU-850 好聲機,恰如其分的中頻表現,高音甜美,低頻有些放不開。
60: Sansui TU-217 - Good sound when reception is strong.
60 山水TU-217 當接收型號強勁是是部好聲機。
61: Kenwood L-01T - Good sound, midrange slightly forward, good bass.
61 建伍的L-01T 好聲機,中頻稍稍前傾,低音表現好
62: Phase Linear Model 5000 Series Two - Bass-shy, pleasant midrange and treble.
62 Phase Linear Model 5000 Series Two 低音有點放不開,中高音令人愉悅。
63: Magnum Dynalab FT-11 "OLD" - Good bass, dry midrange, treble OK.
63 密林 FT-11 “老版”,低音好,中頻幹,高音好!
64: Quad FM4 - Very nice midrange, good resolution, extended treble, rolled off bass.
64 國都 FM4,非常華麗的中頻,很好的解析力,高頻延伸好,低頻比較收斂。
65: Technics ST-9030 - Inoffensive but bland.
65 松下ST-9030 不討人嫌,但是缺少激情。
66: Naim NAT 01 - Bass OK, midrange OK, treble sweet.
66 Naim NAT 01,低音OK,中音也OK,高音甜。
67: Luxman T-115 - Good bass, midrange OK, treble slightly forward.
67 力士T-115 高音表現好,中音也不錯,高音有些前傾。
68: Nakamichi ST-7 - Muffled bass, forward midrange, highs soft and inoffensive.
68 中道ST-7 低音有些壓抑(蒙),中頻前沖,高頻軟不討人嫌。
69: Marantz 2130 - OK bass, midrange and treble forward and "light" sounding.
69 馬蘭士2130 低音不錯,中頻和高頻前傾,屬亮聲機。
70: McIntosh MR 78 - Good bass, slightly electronic sound.
70 麥景圖MR78,低頻好,有輕微的電子聲。
71: Fanfare FT-1A - Best through the low-output jacks, clean but bright midrange, lacks bass power.
71 Fanfare FT-1A 通過低輸出端子表現最佳,乾淨但過於明亮的中頻,缺乏低頻力度。
72: Kenwood KT-7500 - Flat soundstage, better sound can be found. One-note bass. More boring than unpleasant in a long listening session.
72 建伍的KT-7500 平坦的聲場,但可以找到較好的聲音表現,單音符低頻,在較長時間聆聽後感覺煩躁。
73: Kyocera T-910 - Pleasant sound, but what's that ringing in my ears?
73 京磁 T-910,歡樂的聲音表現,但是總有鈴聲在我耳邊縈繞的感覺(我把它翻成肯定句)
74: SAE 8000 - Not irritating but not involving, either. Too much background noise.
74 SAE 8000 既不惱人也不喜人,但總是有太多的背景噪音。
75: Kenwood KT-815 - Bass thin, treble forward. It cries out for a new audio stage.
75 建伍的KT-815 低頻太瘦,高頻前傾,這突出了新的聲場。
76: Denon TU-600 - Good sound, but not recommended because of reception problems.
76 天龍的TU-600 好聲機,由於接收問題而不被人推薦。
Yamaha T-2
Yamaha T-70

Accuphase T-109V
Denon TU-850
Fanfare FT-1A
Kenwood KT-815
Kenwood KT-917
Kenwood L-01T
Kenwood L-02T
Kenwood L-1000T
Lirpa Ref. 1 BDTE
Luxman T-117
Magnum FT-11
Magnum FT-101/101A
Magnum MD-108
McIntosh MR 78
Nikko Gamma V
Philips AH6731
Pioneer Series 20 F-26
Pioneer Series 20 F-28
Pioneer F-90
Pioneer F-91
Pioneer F-93
Pioneer F-99X
Pioneer TX-9100
Pioneer TX-9500
Pioneer TX-9500II
Pioneer TX-9800
Revox B760
Sansui TU-X1
Sansui TU-719
Sansui TU-919
Sansui TU-9900
Technics ST-9030
Technics ST-9038
Yamaha CT-7000

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